Tuesday, January 5, 2010

tattooed too late

i saw you. you looked at me. i ignored you. i maxed my ipod's volume. you ran towards me. i got into my car as quickly as possible and drove away. As i accelerate, i saw your figure fading away from my side mirror until you were a tiny dot. never to be seen again.

my hands were controlling the steering wheel, but my mind was on you. i was feeling down but i have to be strong to face this. i have to forget about you. if only i can to erase my memories of you. it's as if you were hiding underneath my eyelids because everytime i closed my eyes, i imagined you.

NO! i cannot do this anymore. my parents would disagree about bringing you home. i am sorry, but i can't take you with me. i want to, so badly. i just can't. after all, you would just invite trouble. i do not have the time to care for you. you are too much of a hassle and keeping you with me would just mean more responsibilities for me to carry. you will become a burden. to me and my family. why, you asked? it's because...
you bit my finger, you adorable furry creature.
you scratched my bag, you miserable but oh so cute kitten.

but i swear, you are the most adorable kitty cat. i'll name you 'shikari' even though i don't own you.
you will always be shikari in my heart.

bye shikari:'( miss you. wish i could bring you home.

sobs from ismail amir.

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