Friday, July 9, 2010

Broga Hills-Sg. Tekala

i went to broga hills with my friends zahid & ija. it is located in semenyih and it is becoming a very popular spot for photographers nowadays. even the locals there knew that we were about to ask for directions for broga hills when we got lost.
i just got my EOS 550D a day before the trip. hence, the compulsory 8-hour battery charge(can only wait till 6 :p). So, i only get to fiddle with it for a couple of minutes. sorry if my shots are pretty weak, i was still getting used to my new camera.
it's a good thing i brought a tripod with me since my hands were very shaky the first few minutes after reaching the peak of broga hills. i recovered after resting for a while. i have to say, i underestimated the challenge. the trails were very poor and it was very slippery especially after rain. also be alert, there are some holes along the trail. needless to say, a trochlight and a steady supply of drinking water is a MUST. here are some pictures. only managed to get a few. will go back there when my friend starts his mid-sem break. and i promise you, the second trip will harvest better pictures(hopefully). for now, watch these:

the last 3 pictures were taken at sungai tekala, not far from bukit broga. exifs will be shared upon request.
tq :)

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