Thursday, August 19, 2010

new header, a pleasant surprise and a mini accomplishment.

first of all, credits to hamiza for inspiring me to design my new header. i have to say, am pretty pleased with the end result. the background picture was shot at i-city, shah alam. the mall that has all the pretty lights but nothing to sell. haha :D

oh, on a side note. my baby 550D aka 'anbu' carved its name in the prestigious EISA award. The Canon EOS 550D won the 'European Camera 2010-2011' title. its big brother, the Canon EOS 7D won the 'European Advanced SLR Camera 2010-2011' title.

trying not to be bias, nikon, sony and other brands also won some titles. can't remember. google

so, whats the mini-accomplishment, eyh? it's not really a big deal, but as a photographer, it meant something to me. as you might know, i am a frequent flickr user. planning to go pro when i have the money. i upload my best pictures on flickr to be judged by other photographers. and to tell you the truth, the feedback has been pleasant so far.
i joined a lot of groups on flickr. EOS 550D, PowerShot S5IS and Malaysian Photographer just to name some of them.
right now, my focus is on the EOS 550D-related groups since it is the camera i am currently using. 
and let me tell you, there are a lot of great photographers out there, especially when you're competing worldwide. well, it's not really a competition, more of a display. But imagine people around the world uploading their best pictures, you'll be lucky someone noticed your pictures.
anyways, one of my picture got some awards and that particular picture is currently being displayed in the master archive. yay, one of my pictures finally made it to the trophy room. haha!

tadaa. like i said, a mini accomplishment that don't mean squat to you guys. haha

starting next week, i will have more time for photography. yay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow,,,,wonderful header!
nice background layout..gud job amir..