Monday, June 21, 2010

Port Dickson: The Legend International Water Homes

PD was a blast. this photo was taken at the public beach.

 kicking wind? LOL. high shutter speeds can be used for creative effects
such as capturing high-speed actions.

macro shot this twig. 

 baby mia. close-up shot.

shallow depth of field. just experimenting with my ol' zlr.

fast shutter speed to really get the detail of the water.

 taken at dawn. the skies are really just lovely.

allysya having the time of her life

i like how this photo turns out. really has that 'artistic' feel to it.
maybe i'm just so full of myself sometimes. heh :)

face plant in the water

isn't he too old to be at the kiddies pool?

baby mia again. she's so cute. yes, mia is a girl.

thiw was taken at pasar malam.

Overall, i had the time of my life. we stayed at the legend international water homes and the place was really beautiful. they even have a pool inside the room, too. so, i didn't even have to go to the local beach to swim. i can just soak underwater from inside the comforts of my own room :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hye amir...awesome and cool pic